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Spotinst Partners With Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 20, 2016 4:04:15 PM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Containers, News, Business, google compute engine, microservices, cloud application, Engineering, google cloud, cloud, AWS, Docker

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Joint Offering Delivers Lowest-Cost, Multi-Cloud Container Management

We are extremely excited to partner with Spotinst to deliver cost effective, multi-cloud container management solution on AWS and Google Cloud Platform. Here is a post from Aharon Twizer at Spotinst with more details on our joint solution.

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Dynamic Resource Management for Application Containers

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 5, 2016 6:17:50 PM / by Damien Toledo posted in metapod, cloud applications, Containers, vmware, vsphere, cisco, vcloud, Product, microservices, openstack, cloud, auto-scaling, AWS, cloud platform, Docker

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Nirmata provides multi-cloud container services for enterprise DevOps teams. Nirmata is built to leverage Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) providers, for dynamic allocation and deallocation of resources. In this post, I will discuss a Nirmata feature that helps you optimize your cloud resource usage: Host Auto-Scaling.

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Easiest way to leverage EC2 Spot Instances with Docker and Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 10, 2015 12:56:18 PM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Containers, Nirmata, Continuous Delivery, Product, microservices, Engineering, cloud, DevOps, AWS, Orchestration, Docker, Cloud Architecture

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Cloud computing accelerates innovation by providing ubiquitous access to computing resources at a click of a button. However enterprises are weary of the costs associated with public cloud, especially as their usage grows.

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Managing MongoDB Clusters with Docker and Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 26, 2015 10:39:19 AM / by Damien Toledo posted in Containers, Product, microservices, Engineering, cloud, MongoDB, Docker

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This is the second post in my series on managing clustered services with Nirmata. My previous post showed how to manage Zookeeper clusters. In this post, I will cover managing MongoDB clusters with Nirmata. You can skip this introduction if you have already read the previous post.

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Cisco does DevOps!

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 2, 2015 9:00:56 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Containers, Nirmata, News, cisco, microservices, cloud, DevOps, Other, Docker

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Check out the Microservices and DevOps content at Cisco Live 2015!


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Managing Zookeeper Clusters with Docker and Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 1, 2015 6:29:09 PM / by Damien Toledo posted in Containers, zookeeper, Product, microservices, Engineering, cloud, Docker

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A cloud native application may use several backing services, for things like messaging and data management. Typically these backing services are deployed separately from the application services, so multiple application instances (environments) can utilize them. Also, these backing services typically run as a cluster. In this blog post, I will show you how you can use Docker and Nirmata to easily deploy and operate a production Zookeeper cluster.

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Docker Data Containers with Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar'] May 10, 2015 10:01:16 PM / by Ritesh Patel posted in cloud applications, Containers, Product, cloud, Docker

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An exciting thing about Docker is the number of interesting use cases that emerge as developers adopt containers in their application development and operations processes.

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Using containers to transform traditional applications

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 13, 2014 5:20:12 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Engineering, cloud, container, Cloud Architecture

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