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Orchestration holds the key to enterprise adoption of containers

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 18, 2014 12:32:45 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Engineering

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According to results of a survey released a couple weeks ago, Docker is the second most popular open source project, behind OpenStack. Thanks to Docker, containers are fast becoming the de-facto delivery vehicle for cloud based applications. It is amazing that in just over a year, Docker has created a new verb – ‘dockerize’ i.e. containerize applications. In case you don’t already know, containers are extremely lightweight and multiple containers can run on a single host or VM. Docker makes it easy to package applications into containers and provision them via CLI or API. Fast start times make containers an excellent choice for dynamic cloud based applications. Developers have taken the lead in adoption of Docker and enterprises large and small are taking notice.

While it is extremely easy for a developer to get started, adoption of Docker by enterprises requires significant tooling for production deployments. Since DockerCon earlier this year, several web scale companies have open sourced their DevOps tools for Docker, with Google’s Kubernetes getting the most mindshare. Most of these tools are focussed on application deployment with container orchestration as a core capability.

Lets take a look at what orchestrating containers is all about. Depending on your application(s), many or all of the following capabilities will be required to orchestrate containerized applications.

Flexible Resource Allocation

Orchestration needs to be flexible enough to adapt to application needs and not the other way around. Applications components (services) may have varying needs from the underlying infrastructure so orchestration needs to take into account application requirements and place a container on the appropriate host. For example, database containers may need to be placed on hosts with high performance storage whereas other containers can be placed elsewhere. Additionally, when placing multiple containers on same host, available resources (memory, cpu, storage etc) need to be considered to ensure that containers are not starved of resources. An excellent example of resource based orchestration is Mesos, which matches tasks to resource offers. In case of distributed, service oriented applications, any inter-service dependencies need to be taken into account while deploying applications. Also, containers that use same host ports need to be placed on different hosts to avoid port collisions.


Orchestration should ensure applications are deployed in a resilient manner. Multiple instances of the same service should be deployed on different hosts, possibly in different zones to ensure high availability. Deploying new containers for a service in case an existing container fails ensures that the application stays resilient. In case the underlying VM or host fails, orchestrator should detect the failure and redistribute the containers to other hosts.


Cloud native applications are dynamic and need to scale up or scale down on demand. As a result, manual as well as automatic scaling of containers is mandatory. The challenge lies in ensuring that underlying resources (host, cpu, memory etc) are available when new containers are provisioned and in case resources are not available, they need to be automatically provisioned based on preconfigured profiles. Even better, would be to provision these resources when the utilization of existing resources reaches a predefined threshold to ensure availability of capacity.


Depending on the environment in which an application is being deployed, isolation needs may vary. For dev/test environments, it may be perfectly fine to deploy multiple containers or instances of an application on the same set of hosts whereas staging and production need to be completely isolated environments. Containers running within VMs provide some level of isolation and security but as multiple containers are launched on a VM, additional ports need to be opened up in the security group and when these containers stop, ports need to be closed. This may also require networking and firewall policies to be configured dynamically.


Orchestration of an application is not just a one time event but an ongoing task. Visibility into various application and infrastructure level statistics and analytics can help make informed decisions when orchestrating containers. Intelligent placement of containers can minimize ‘noisy neighbor’ issues. By understanding application behavior and trends, resource utilization can be further optimized.
Infrastructure Agnostic

Using containers, applications can be completely decoupled from the underlying infrastructure. Applications need not worry about where the underlying resources come from as long as the resources are available. Orchestration tool needs to ensure that necessary resources are always available based on predefined policies or other constructs.


Portability across clouds is another key benefit of using containers and with hybrid cloud applications becoming more common, orchestration of containerized applications across clouds another requirement. Many enterprises end up using multiple clouds either for cost savings or due to regional availability of the cloud provider, making multi cloud orchestration a must have.


When orchestrating an application, additional tasks may need to be performed. For example, cache warm-up, gateway or proxy configuration etc. These tasks may vary depending on the deployment type (dev/test/staging/production). Ability to integrate orchestration with external tools and services can help automate the entire workflow.

Besides these capabilities, any enterprise focussed solution would need basic capabilities such as Role Based Access Control, Collaboration, Audit Trail, Reporting etc.


While there are several open source tools that try to address some of the above mentioned requirements, we have not seen a comprehensive solution targeted at enterprise DevOps teams. We understand that enterprises want flexibility and agility in delivering their applications but do not want to compromise on control and visibility. At Nirmata we truly believe that containers are the future of application delivery and our goal is to empower enterprise DevOps teams to accelerate innovation.

-Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud

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Orchestration holds the key to enterprise adoption of containers

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 18, 2014 12:32:45 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in cloud applications, Containers, Engineering

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According to results of a survey released a couple weeks ago, Docker is the second most popular open source project, behind OpenStack. Thanks to Docker, containers are fast becoming the de-facto delivery vehicle for cloud based applications. It is amazing that in just over a year, Docker has created a new verb – ‘dockerize’ i.e. containerize applications. In case you don’t already know, containers are extremely lightweight and multiple containers can run on a single host or VM. Docker makes it easy to package applications into containers and provision them via CLI or API. Fast start times make containers an excellent choice for dynamic cloud based applications. Developers have taken the lead in adoption of Docker and enterprises large and small are taking notice.

While it is extremely easy for a developer to get started, adoption of Docker by enterprises requires significant tooling for production deployments. Since DockerCon earlier this year, several web scale companies have open sourced their DevOps tools for Docker, with Google’s Kubernetes getting the most mindshare. Most of these tools are focussed on application deployment with container orchestration as a core capability.

Lets take a look at what orchestrating containers is all about. Depending on your application(s), many or all of the following capabilities will be required to orchestrate containerized applications.

Flexible Resource Allocation

Orchestration needs to be flexible enough to adapt to application needs and not the other way around. Applications components (services) may have varying needs from the underlying infrastructure so orchestration needs to take into account application requirements and place a container on the appropriate host. For example, database containers may need to be placed on hosts with high performance storage whereas other containers can be placed elsewhere. Additionally, when placing multiple containers on same host, available resources (memory, cpu, storage etc) need to be considered to ensure that containers are not starved of resources. An excellent example of resource based orchestration is Mesos, which matches tasks to resource offers. In case of distributed, service oriented applications, any inter-service dependencies need to be taken into account while deploying applications. Also, containers that use same host ports need to be placed on different hosts to avoid port collisions.


Orchestration should ensure applications are deployed in a resilient manner. Multiple instances of the same service should be deployed on different hosts, possibly in different zones to ensure high availability. Deploying new containers for a service in case an existing container fails ensures that the application stays resilient. In case the underlying VM or host fails, orchestrator should detect the failure and redistribute the containers to other hosts.


Cloud native applications are dynamic and need to scale up or scale down on demand. As a result, manual as well as automatic scaling of containers is mandatory. The challenge lies in ensuring that underlying resources (host, cpu, memory etc) are available when new containers are provisioned and in case resources are not available, they need to be automatically provisioned based on preconfigured profiles. Even better, would be to provision these resources when the utilization of existing resources reaches a predefined threshold to ensure availability of capacity.


Depending on the environment in which an application is being deployed, isolation needs may vary. For dev/test environments, it may be perfectly fine to deploy multiple containers or instances of an application on the same set of hosts whereas staging and production need to be completely isolated environments. Containers running within VMs provide some level of isolation and security but as multiple containers are launched on a VM, additional ports need to be opened up in the security group and when these containers stop, ports need to be closed. This may also require networking and firewall policies to be configured dynamically.


Orchestration of an application is not just a one time event but an ongoing task. Visibility into various application and infrastructure level statistics and analytics can help make informed decisions when orchestrating containers. Intelligent placement of containers can minimize ‘noisy neighbor’ issues. By understanding application behavior and trends, resource utilization can be further optimized.
Infrastructure Agnostic

Using containers, applications can be completely decoupled from the underlying infrastructure. Applications need not worry about where the underlying resources come from as long as the resources are available. Orchestration tool needs to ensure that necessary resources are always available based on predefined policies or other constructs.


Portability across clouds is another key benefit of using containers and with hybrid cloud applications becoming more common, orchestration of containerized applications across clouds another requirement. Many enterprises end up using multiple clouds either for cost savings or due to regional availability of the cloud provider, making multi cloud orchestration a must have.


When orchestrating an application, additional tasks may need to be performed. For example, cache warm-up, gateway or proxy configuration etc. These tasks may vary depending on the deployment type (dev/test/staging/production). Ability to integrate orchestration with external tools and services can help automate the entire workflow.

Besides these capabilities, any enterprise focussed solution would need basic capabilities such as Role Based Access Control, Collaboration, Audit Trail, Reporting etc.


While there are several open source tools that try to address some of the above mentioned requirements, we have not seen a comprehensive solution targeted at enterprise DevOps teams. We understand that enterprises want flexibility and agility in delivering their applications but do not want to compromise on control and visibility. At Nirmata we truly believe that containers are the future of application delivery and our goal is to empower enterprise DevOps teams to accelerate innovation.

-Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud

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The real value of Cloud – its not what you think it is!

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 15, 2014 2:50:52 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Business

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Over the last couple of years, as I spoke to various enterprise customers, the most common cloud use case that I heard was test/dev cloud. This is a great first step as enterprises become familiar with the technology. Most customers easily understand the top benefits of adopting cloud i.e. lower cost and increased IT agility. But one key advantage often ignored early on is the strategic value of adopting cloud to rapidly innovate and compete. True business innovation is achieved by delivering products and services quickly, gathering actual customer data and making incremental changes to proactively respond to customer needs.

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The real value of Cloud – its not what you think it is!

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 15, 2014 2:50:52 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Business, Cloud Architecture

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Over the last couple of years, as I spoke to various enterprise customers, the most common cloud use case that I heard was test/dev cloud. This is a great first step as enterprises become familiar with the technology. Most customers easily understand the top benefits of adopting cloud i.e. lower cost and increased IT agility. But one key advantage often ignored early on is the strategic value of adopting cloud to rapidly innovate and compete. True business innovation is achieved by delivering products and services quickly, gathering actual customer data and making incremental changes to proactively respond to customer needs.

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Using containers to transform traditional applications

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 13, 2014 5:20:12 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Engineering

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Using containers to transform traditional applications

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 13, 2014 5:20:12 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Engineering, cloud, container, Cloud Architecture

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Apps and APIs fuel the digital economy

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 13, 2013 1:14:25 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Business

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Last week, at the “I Love APIs” conference hosted by Apigee, It was amazing to see companies finally embracing APIs and to learn about how they are monetizing APIs. Technology companies that have grown up in the digital age have long adopted “API first” strategy where API is the primary external interface; and other interfaces, i.e. web and mobile use the API. Non-technology companies (or “digital immigrants” as Chet Kapoor, CEO of Apigee referred to these companies using a term coined by Mark Pensky) have now started to realize the potential of APIs.

Just three years ago, I was having a hard time at my previous employer convincing an executive about the merits of launching an API program. Now, the questions is no longer “Do we need API’s?” but “When/how can we get them?”

At the conference, it was extremely interesting to understand various companies’ motivations for launching an API program. In case of Walgreens, it was the opportunity to reach audiences beyond in-store customers that motivated the development of QuickPrints API. Pearson group opened up their massive content via APIs to allow developers build creative mashups and for OnStar APIs are a natural evolution as the world move towards connected vehicles. Even Kaiser Permanente kicked off its API program earlier this year. In each case, the API users were internal/external developers or technology partners.

It is clear that we are well into the digital economy where applications and APIs are the new currency and developers are a key customer/partner.

At the conference, several companies shared their experience launching API programs including, of course, the challenges they faced. While developing APIs seems straightforward, directly jumping into API development without a cohesive strategy has inherent risks. Companies that don’t have experience with APIs and developer programs should: adopt an iterative process by delivering a small set of APIs, interact with the developers, and incorporate feedback while learning from the process.

Getting developers attention and interest was identified as a key challenge.

Just publishing APIs and hoping developers will come doesn’t work. Using targeted marketing techniques as well as providing appropriate monetary incentives is required. Companies also need to ensure that their APIs are well documented, easy to use, and follow best practices. A few presenters also warned against just putting an API around existing applications. While most companies end up taking this approach for ‘time to market’ reasons, without adequate precautions, this approach can be catastrophic in case the API usage grows unexpectedly.

Companies serious about API program, need to consider investing in the right application architecture, one that is resilient and can scale.

Also last week, Cisco provided additional boost to the application economy by announcing Application-centric infrastructure (ACI). In my opinion, most applications need not really know much about the underlying network as long as it provides connectivity and the desired level of quality of service.

This week promises to be an exciting one as Amazon AWS re:Invent kicks of on Tuesday. Amazon pioneered the “API first” movement with Jeff Bezos’s mandate to developers to expose their data and functionality through service interfaces only. AWS has really jump started the application explosion but we ain't seen nothing yet!

Next few years will bring exciting innovation as more companies actively participate in the digital economy.

At Nirmata, our mission is to help developers and organizations rapidly innovate and accelerate their journey to the cloud. Our cloud services platform has been designed with “API first” approach to deliver composable, cloud ready, next generation applications. Below is a short explainer video. Let us know what you think and how we can help you thrive in the digital economy.

-Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud

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Apps and APIs fuel the digital economy

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 13, 2013 1:14:25 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in API, Business, Cloud Architecture

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Last week, at the “I Love APIs” conference hosted by Apigee, It was amazing to see companies finally embracing APIs and to learn about how they are monetizing APIs. Technology companies that have grown up in the digital age have long adopted “API first” strategy where API is the primary external interface; and other interfaces, i.e. web and mobile use the API. Non-technology companies (or “digital immigrants” as Chet Kapoor, CEO of Apigee referred to these companies using a term coined by Mark Pensky) have now started to realize the potential of APIs.

Just three years ago, I was having a hard time at my previous employer convincing an executive about the merits of launching an API program. Now, the questions is no longer “Do we need API’s?” but “When/how can we get them?”

At the conference, it was extremely interesting to understand various companies’ motivations for launching an API program. In case of Walgreens, it was the opportunity to reach audiences beyond in-store customers that motivated the development of QuickPrints API. Pearson group opened up their massive content via APIs to allow developers build creative mashups and for OnStar APIs are a natural evolution as the world move towards connected vehicles. Even Kaiser Permanente kicked off its API program earlier this year. In each case, the API users were internal/external developers or technology partners.

It is clear that we are well into the digital economy where applications and APIs are the new currency and developers are a key customer/partner.

At the conference, several companies shared their experience launching API programs including, of course, the challenges they faced. While developing APIs seems straightforward, directly jumping into API development without a cohesive strategy has inherent risks. Companies that don’t have experience with APIs and developer programs should: adopt an iterative process by delivering a small set of APIs, interact with the developers, and incorporate feedback while learning from the process.

Getting developers attention and interest was identified as a key challenge.

Just publishing APIs and hoping developers will come doesn’t work. Using targeted marketing techniques as well as providing appropriate monetary incentives is required. Companies also need to ensure that their APIs are well documented, easy to use, and follow best practices. A few presenters also warned against just putting an API around existing applications. While most companies end up taking this approach for ‘time to market’ reasons, without adequate precautions, this approach can be catastrophic in case the API usage grows unexpectedly.

Companies serious about API program, need to consider investing in the right application architecture, one that is resilient and can scale.

Also last week, Cisco provided additional boost to the application economy by announcing Application-centric infrastructure (ACI). In my opinion, most applications need not really know much about the underlying network as long as it provides connectivity and the desired level of quality of service.

This week promises to be an exciting one as Amazon AWS re:Invent kicks of on Tuesday. Amazon pioneered the “API first” movement with Jeff Bezos’s mandate to developers to expose their data and functionality through service interfaces only. AWS has really jump started the application explosion but we ain't seen nothing yet!

Next few years will bring exciting innovation as more companies actively participate in the digital economy.

At Nirmata, our mission is to help developers and organizations rapidly innovate and accelerate their journey to the cloud. Our cloud services platform has been designed with “API first” approach to deliver composable, cloud ready, next generation applications. Below is a short explainer video. Let us know what you think and how we can help you thrive in the digital economy.

-Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud

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Netflix OSS, meet Docker!

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 16, 2013 3:01:43 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Engineering

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At Nirmata, we are building a cloud services platform to help customers rapidly build cloud ready applications. We believe that next generation of cloud applications will be composed from stateless, loosely-coupled, fine-grained services. In this architecture, each service can be independently developed, deployed, managed and scaled. The Nirmata Platform, itself, is built using the same architectural principles. Such an architecture requires a set of core, infrastructure services. Since Netflix has open sourced their components [1] we decided to evaluate and extend them. The components that best meet our needs were Eureka (a registry for inter-service communication), Ribbon (a client-side load balancer and SDK for service to service communication), Zuul (a gateway service) and Archaius (a configuration framework). In a few days we had the Netflix OSS components working with our services and things looked good!

Challenges in dev/test

Our application now was now made up of six independent services and we could develop and test these services locally on our laptops fairly easily. Next we decided to move our platform to Amazon AWS for testing and integrate with our Jenkins continuous integration server. This required automation to deploy these various services in our test environment. We considered various options such as creating and launching AMI’s, or using Puppet/Chef. But these approaches would require each service to be installed on a separate EC2 instance and the number of EC2 instances would quickly grow as we add more services. Being a startup, we started looking for more efficient alternatives for ourselves as well as our customers..

Why Docker

This is when we started looking at Docker [2]. We knew about Linux containers [3] but didn’t feel we could invest time and effort to directly use them. However, Docker made using Linux containers easy! With a few hours of prototyping with Docker we were able to get an application service up and running. Also, once the Docker images were created, running them was a snap, and unlike launching VM instances there was hardly any startup time penalty. This meant that we could now launch our entire application, very quickly on a single medium EC2 instance vs launching multiple micro or small instances. This was amazing!

Using Netflix OSS with Docker

The next step was to get all our services, including the Netflix OSS services running in Docker (v0.6.3) containers. So, first we created the base image for all our services by installing jdk 7 and tomcat 7. For test environment, we wanted to make sure that the base container image can be use for any service, including Netflix OSS services so we added a short startup script to the container base image to copy the service war file from a mounted location, setup some environment variables (explanation later) and start the tomcat service.

echo Starting $1 on port $2
#Copy the war file from mounted directory to tomcat webapps directory
if [ $1 ]
cp /var/lib/webapps/$1.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/$1.war
#Add the port to the JVM args
if [ $2 ]
echo "export JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dport.http.nonssl=$2 -Darchaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls=file:///home/nirmata/\"" >> /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/
echo "export JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dport.http.nonssl=8080\"" >> /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/
#Setup dynamic properties
echo "eureka.port=$2" >> /home/nirmata/
if [ $3 ]
echo "eureka.serviceUrl.defaultZone=$3" >> /home/nirmata/
echo "eureka.serviceUrl.default.defaultZone=$3" >> /home/nirmata/
echo "eureka.environment=" >> /home/nirmata/
if [ $4 ]
echo "$4" >> /home/nirmata/
service tomcat7 start
tail -F /var/lib/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out


Following are some key considerations in deployed Netflix OSS with Docker:

Ports – With Docker, ports used by the application in the container need to be specified when launching a container so that the port can be mapped to the host port. Docker automatically assigns the host port. On startup various Nirmata services register with the service registry, Eureka. Service running within a Docker container needs to register using the host port so that other services can communicate with it. To solve this, we specified the same host and container port when launch a container. For example, Eureka would be launched using port 8080 on the container as well as the host. One challenge this introduced was the need to automatically configure Tomcat port for various services. This is easily done by specifying the port as an environment variable and modifying the server.xml file to use the environment variable instead of a hard coded value.

IP Address – Each application typically registers with Eureka using its IP address. We noticed that our services running in Docker containers were registering with Eureka using the loopback ( IP instead of the container IP. This required a change in the Eureka client code to use the container virtual NIC IP address instead of the loopback IP.

Hostname – Another challenge was hostname resolution. Various Nirmata services register with Eureka using the hostname and IP address but Ribbon just used the hostname to communicate with the services. This proves problematic as there is no DNS service available to resolve the container hostname to IP address. For our existing deployment since Zuul is the only service that communicates with the various other services, we were able to get past this issue by using the same hostname as the Docker host for various service containers (other than the Zuul container). This is not an elegant solution by any means and may not work for all scenarios. My understanding is that Docker 0.7.0 will address this problem with the new links feature.

Dependencies – In our application, there are a few dependencies like each service needs to know the database URL and the Eureka server URL. Docker container IP address is assigned at launch and we couldn’t use the hostname (as described above) to inject this information to our services. We addressed this by launching our services in a predetermined order and by passing in the relevant information at runtime to our container startup script. We used Archaius to load runtime properties dynamically from a file url.

To bring it all together we automated the deployment of our application by developing a basic orchestrator using the docker-java client library. Now we can easily trigger the deployment of entire application from our Jenkins continuous integration server within minutes and test our services on AWS.

Whats next..

The combination of Netflix OSS and Docker makes it really easy to develop, deploy and test distributed applications in the cloud. Our current focus is on building a flexible, application-aware orchestration layer that can make deploying & managing complex applications using Docker that addresses some of the current challenges with using Docker. We would love to hear how you are using Docker, and potentially collaborate on Docker & Netflix OSS related projects.

Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud


[1] Netflix OSS,

[2] Docker,

[3] LXC,

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Netflix OSS, meet Docker!

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 16, 2013 3:01:43 AM / by Ritesh Patel posted in Containers, Engineering, AWS, Cloud Architecture

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At Nirmata, we are building a cloud services platform to help customers rapidly build cloud ready applications. We believe that next generation of cloud applications will be composed from stateless, loosely-coupled, fine-grained services. In this architecture, each service can be independently developed, deployed, managed and scaled. The Nirmata Platform, itself, is built using the same architectural principles. Such an architecture requires a set of core, infrastructure services. Since Netflix has open sourced their components [1] we decided to evaluate and extend them. The components that best meet our needs were Eureka (a registry for inter-service communication), Ribbon (a client-side load balancer and SDK for service to service communication), Zuul (a gateway service) and Archaius (a configuration framework). In a few days we had the Netflix OSS components working with our services and things looked good!

Challenges in dev/test

Our application now was now made up of six independent services and we could develop and test these services locally on our laptops fairly easily. Next we decided to move our platform to Amazon AWS for testing and integrate with our Jenkins continuous integration server. This required automation to deploy these various services in our test environment. We considered various options such as creating and launching AMI’s, or using Puppet/Chef. But these approaches would require each service to be installed on a separate EC2 instance and the number of EC2 instances would quickly grow as we add more services. Being a startup, we started looking for more efficient alternatives for ourselves as well as our customers..

Why Docker

This is when we started looking at Docker [2]. We knew about Linux containers [3] but didn’t feel we could invest time and effort to directly use them. However, Docker made using Linux containers easy! With a few hours of prototyping with Docker we were able to get an application service up and running. Also, once the Docker images were created, running them was a snap, and unlike launching VM instances there was hardly any startup time penalty. This meant that we could now launch our entire application, very quickly on a single medium EC2 instance vs launching multiple micro or small instances. This was amazing!

Using Netflix OSS with Docker

The next step was to get all our services, including the Netflix OSS services running in Docker (v0.6.3) containers. So, first we created the base image for all our services by installing jdk 7 and tomcat 7. For test environment, we wanted to make sure that the base container image can be use for any service, including Netflix OSS services so we added a short startup script to the container base image to copy the service war file from a mounted location, setup some environment variables (explanation later) and start the tomcat service.

echo Starting $1 on port $2
#Copy the war file from mounted directory to tomcat webapps directory
if [ $1 ]
cp /var/lib/webapps/$1.war /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/$1.war
#Add the port to the JVM args
if [ $2 ]
echo "export JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dport.http.nonssl=$2 -Darchaius.configurationSource.additionalUrls=file:///home/nirmata/\"" >> /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/
echo "export JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms512m -Xmx1024m -Dport.http.nonssl=8080\"" >> /usr/share/tomcat7/bin/
#Setup dynamic properties
echo "eureka.port=$2" >> /home/nirmata/
if [ $3 ]
echo "eureka.serviceUrl.defaultZone=$3" >> /home/nirmata/
echo "eureka.serviceUrl.default.defaultZone=$3" >> /home/nirmata/
echo "eureka.environment=" >> /home/nirmata/
if [ $4 ]
echo "$4" >> /home/nirmata/
service tomcat7 start
tail -F /var/lib/tomcat7/logs/catalina.out


Following are some key considerations in deployed Netflix OSS with Docker:

Ports – With Docker, ports used by the application in the container need to be specified when launching a container so that the port can be mapped to the host port. Docker automatically assigns the host port. On startup various Nirmata services register with the service registry, Eureka. Service running within a Docker container needs to register using the host port so that other services can communicate with it. To solve this, we specified the same host and container port when launch a container. For example, Eureka would be launched using port 8080 on the container as well as the host. One challenge this introduced was the need to automatically configure Tomcat port for various services. This is easily done by specifying the port as an environment variable and modifying the server.xml file to use the environment variable instead of a hard coded value.

IP Address – Each application typically registers with Eureka using its IP address. We noticed that our services running in Docker containers were registering with Eureka using the loopback ( IP instead of the container IP. This required a change in the Eureka client code to use the container virtual NIC IP address instead of the loopback IP.

Hostname – Another challenge was hostname resolution. Various Nirmata services register with Eureka using the hostname and IP address but Ribbon just used the hostname to communicate with the services. This proves problematic as there is no DNS service available to resolve the container hostname to IP address. For our existing deployment since Zuul is the only service that communicates with the various other services, we were able to get past this issue by using the same hostname as the Docker host for various service containers (other than the Zuul container). This is not an elegant solution by any means and may not work for all scenarios. My understanding is that Docker 0.7.0 will address this problem with the new links feature.

Dependencies – In our application, there are a few dependencies like each service needs to know the database URL and the Eureka server URL. Docker container IP address is assigned at launch and we couldn’t use the hostname (as described above) to inject this information to our services. We addressed this by launching our services in a predetermined order and by passing in the relevant information at runtime to our container startup script. We used Archaius to load runtime properties dynamically from a file url.

To bring it all together we automated the deployment of our application by developing a basic orchestrator using the docker-java client library. Now we can easily trigger the deployment of entire application from our Jenkins continuous integration server within minutes and test our services on AWS.

Whats next..

The combination of Netflix OSS and Docker makes it really easy to develop, deploy and test distributed applications in the cloud. Our current focus is on building a flexible, application-aware orchestration layer that can make deploying & managing complex applications using Docker that addresses some of the current challenges with using Docker. We would love to hear how you are using Docker, and potentially collaborate on Docker & Netflix OSS related projects.

Ritesh Patel

Follow us on Twitter @NirmataCloud


[1] Netflix OSS,

[2] Docker,

[3] LXC,

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