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Spotinst Partners With Nirmata

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 20, 2016 4:04:15 PM / by Ritesh Patel

Joint Offering Delivers Lowest-Cost, Multi-Cloud Container Management

We are extremely excited to partner with Spotinst to deliver cost effective, multi-cloud container management solution on AWS and Google Cloud Platform. Here is a post from Aharon Twizer at Spotinst with more details on our joint solution.

(Reposted from


As the container space heats up, we are pleased to join forces with Nirmata, a leading SaaS solution for the operations and management of cloud-native applications. Our customers can now deploy their containers on AWS Spot instances and Google’s Preemtible VMs with zero hassle and full availability and of course, at the lowest IaaS cost possible.

Under the hood

Nirmata provides multi-cloud container services with built-in microservices tooling to deploy and operate cloud native applications. Many enterprises are moving towards microservices style applications, where applications are composed of independent services that are designed to be elastic and resilient. These applications, along with Nirmata sophisticated scheduling and management features, are an ideal match for spot instances.

Using Spotinst, one can easily configure containers to run on Spot instances or Preemtible VMs. Most importantly, one need not waste anytime monitoring Spot or Preemtible VMs and constantly tweaking one’s workload. Instead, one can create business rules, autoscaling rules, and set specific metrics in Spotinst which allows Nirmata to orchestrate workload placement on the most durable and affordable IaaS resources.

For microservices style applications, Nirmata’s service discovery and gateway eliminates any additional configuration required as containers are redeployed when Spot instances or Preemtible VMs abruptly terminate. In fact our integration with Nirmata ensures that containers on Spot instances or Preemtible VMs that are about to terminate are relocated to other instances ensuring application availability.

How to get started

1. Create an API Key within Nirmata :


2. Create “Other” host group :


Then – follow the instruction and copy the host registration command


3. Create your Elastigroup within Spotinst:

3.1 In the User data section add the command you copied from the previous section:

<span class="co1">#!/bin/bash -x
</span><span class="co1"># Install Docker
</span><span class="">wget -qO- | sh
</span><span class="co1"># Install Nirmata Agent
</span><span class="">sudo curl -sSL | sudo sh -s other gy198d52-53ad-4a2f-8efr-78dv3d55ct91</span>

3.2 In the 3rd party section select Nirmata and enter the following :
Api key (which you just created in step 1 above)


That’s all folks!

Within a few seconds you should be able to see the instances in your host group in Nirmata and be able to deploy your containers.Now whenever Spotinst will perform an instance replacement, it will automatically communicate with Nirmata API to:
1. Relocate the running containers to different hosts.
2. Delete and Purge the failed hosts.Of course, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ping us here at or reach Nirmata at


The Spotinst & Nirmata Teams.

Follow us: @NirmataCloud

Try Nirmata with Spotinst for free!


Topics: News, Business, Engineering

Ritesh Patel

Written by Ritesh Patel

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